Welcome to the Division of Plastic Surgery at The University of British Columbia! We hope you have an educative and enjoyable rotation with us. If you have any concerns or questions, please ask your senior, junior, any staff members, or contact Maureen. You will find us very approachable.
If you have not already done so, please arrange getting hospital photo ID, dictation privaleges, computer access, and pagers through your home program prior to the start of your rotation.
Day One
If your rotation is at Vancouver General Hospital, then please arrive on Monday morning at 0615 on the Burns, Trauma, and High-Acuity Unit, 2nd floor of Vancouver General Hospital, Jim Pattison Pavilion, 899 West 12th Avenue.
If your rotation is at Saint Paul's Hospital, then please arrive on Monday morning outside the OR main desk at 0645 on the 3rd floor of the Providence Building.
Day by day
The service at either hospital includes a combination of operating room time, clinics, minor surgery, in-patient care, emergency consultations, and teaching. Your senior plastic surgery resident
Each resident has different goals and objectives for their plastic surgery rotation, as determiend by their home program. If you feel you are lacking in an area, please speak to your senior early so that adjustments to the rotation can be made.
Schedule of Rounds
While on service you are expected to attend all rounds unless pre-existing academic commitments from your home program exist.
Monday: No Rounds
Tuesday: Hand Rounds - 0645 BTHAU Conference room at VGH.
Wednesday: Walk-around-rounds - 0700 Diamond Center 9th floor, OR, Plastics Grand Rounds - 0700 Diamond Center 1st floor.
Thursday: No rounds, plastics residents academic half-day 1300-1800.
Friday: Weekend handover rounds - 1700 BTHAU Conference room at VGH for VGH team and weekend call team.
Ward patients rounds are conducted at each hospital after confirmation of time with the staff.
Off-service residents do night call as the junior at VGH. Call is 1:4 frequency with a requirement of being within 15 minutes of the hospital. You are paired with a senior resident who is on call for the rest of the city, and needs to review all consults before determining a treatment plan. You sometimes have a medical student with you. There is an overnight room in Centennial Pavilion reserved for plastic surgery.
The chief resident will take call requests from you in advance of the block starting. If you get less than 4 hours of sleep while on call, you are permitted to be excused the following day at 1000 if needed. Vacation requests and flex days need to arranged prior to the start of your rotation through your program director, and are subject to approval by the plastic surgery chief resident.
Resident evaluations are completed by staff and plastics residents after you have finished your rotation and are sent directly to your home program director.